Thursday, April 16, 2009

4/14 session at Don's

We enjoyed Don's beautiful indoor garden and ginger cake (okay, and sake too) while discussing the Heart Sutra.

We read first turning of the wheel of dharma, which includes the 37 aspects/steps of the path. We discussed two major types of meditation: shamata (calm abiding) and vipassana (insight). One analogy to describe the two types is carrying a cup of hot tea through a room. One is akin to the awareness necessary to balance the cup, the other to the awareness of the surrounding room.

One can ask whether conditioned phenomena
1. are impermanent
2. will cause suffering if grasped onto
3. are empty of inherent existence

If so, why cling to them?

One explanation of the Pali Canon

Recommended film: Enlightenment Guaranteed
Recommended book: Breakfast with the Buddha

Next week we are meeting at Jacky's; see email for address/directions.

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